Send SMS using Google Sheets

Learn how to use PostSheet + Google Sheets to send personalized text messages.

10 min

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Step 1: Prepare your spreadsheet

PostSheet expects all spreadsheets to have a header.

If your Google spreadsheet doesn't have one already, create a new row at the top and fill it with the names of your columns. It doesn't matter if the header row has a different style or not.

See a sample spreadsheet

Step 2: Sign in

To use PostSheet, you must first sign in using your Google account.

Click on the Sign In link at the top right corner of the screen and you'll be redirected to Google for authentication.

Select the Google account that you want to use and give PostSheet permission to view your spreadsheets and optionally to send email on your behalf.

Step 3: Connect Twilio

PostSheet does not send the text messages itself. It creates the personalized messages and then hands them over to a SMS service provider to send. Currently only Twilio is supported but more integrations are coming soon.

To use Twilio, first go to, create an account and get your phone number.

Next, go to My Accounts and click on the Twilio button under the Add an Account section. Then, copy and paste your Account Sid and Auth Token from your Twilio Dashboard and click on the Add button to connect your Twilio account.

Step 4: Create a new Campaign

A Campaign is the basic unit of work in PostSheet. It specifies where to read the data from (Google Sheets or Airtable) and what action to perform on each row (Send Email, Send SMS, etc.).

Click on the New Campaign link on the left menu to create a Campaign.

Step 5: Select your spreadsheet

Select Google Sheets as your data source.

In the next screen, open your Google spreadsheet and select the sheet that you want to use. Then, right click on the location bar, copy the address and paste it in the input box.

Step 6: Specify the action

Select Send SMS with the service provider account that you want to use to go to the next step.

Step 7: Compose your message

Now you must write your message and specify how it must be customized for each row.

For the To Number field, select the column in your spreadsheet that contains the mobile numbers of the recipients.

When filling in the other fields, you can use the buttons at the top of the screen to insert placeholders like {{ Name }} into your text. These placeholders correspond to the columns from your spreadsheet and will be replaced with the actual values from each row.

For example, {{ Name }} will be replaced with the contact's name and {{ Address }} will be replaced with their address.

Step 8: Preview

PostSheet will show you a preview of the final message using the first three rows of your spreadsheet.

Make sure everything looks good.

Step 9: Send

Click on the Send button to start sending.

PostSheet will show you the progress and you can click on the total number of items to see more details.

Need help?

If you need help or have any questions, please contact via [email protected].